Breaking down barriers to build us up

Lifelong learner, mover and shaker AOK has returned to Australia and is supporting a wonderful community in Perth from her unique centre of Physiotherapy and Pilates where the star attraction is her clients.

Equally comfortable working with elite athletes and clients who are just starting to make healthier choices, Alex is keenly aware of how our language, training and expectations can work against our clients and their goals.

Much of what we know in anatomy and movement comes from text books written long before 2021 and this has contributed to many clinicians and practitioners looking to update their knowledge to reflect their true clientele and not just who look like text book illustrations.

Alex is passionate about educating clients as well as colleagues on how to care for the body, expectations during rehabilitation and exercise and a more realistic and compassionate approach to posture in the 21st century.

Visit Alex O'Neill King at AOK Keep Moving

The Workshop...objectives

  • Identify "neutral anatomical" posture and acknowledge common variants found in the general population
  • Recognise commonly seen postures in 21st century life, discuss the impact of these on multiple body systems and the role of Pilates to address these
  • Identify the spine shapes found in Pilates repertoire and discuss the challenges/advantages of these shapes for certain posture types.
  • Select appropriate Pilates exercises on both mat and studio apparatus to support or challenge common postures
  • Discuss the current evidence in relation to pain, posture and scope of practice
Upright as an ideal + Pain and posture

Alex will discuss how concepts and lessons around posture may lean towards particular biases including racial prejudice, social constructs and aesthetic preferences.

Additionally, we have been taught that posture and pain are ALWAYS correlated. Faulty posture must lead to pain right? Alex will guide you through today's approach on the matter.

Exercise suite for client success

As lovers of movement, this is where all of the previous layers come together to bring this workshop to life.

Alex and her clients share a variety of exercises on the mat and across the Pilates studio which have been selected to develop particular postural types and objectives.


The posture 'types'

Based on training, experience and knowledge Alex will take you through an updated list of common posture types and variations across the real client community, specifically to prepare you how to work with clients and give light to how they will experience your sessions.

As movement practitioners we usually focus on the outside of the body system; the joints, the muscles and connections that support them and obviously, how they move. What is the impact of common postures on the other body systems?

Sign up to Posture and Positioning

6 months access to all course material and assessment